News & Events

Resting to be productive

There have been copious news stories highlighting the rise in feelings of “burnout” among workers, a state caused by…

Managing stress

For us to adapt and withstand adversity, we must experience times of stress so that we can learn how to manage and move forward.…

Exploring employee engagement

The importance of employee engagement has developed since it arrived in the early 1990s and has since become a focal point…

Cultivating creativity

Numerous studies have shown that your best, most creative, ideas are often your last ideas. Recent research, however, has…

Tailored training for wellbeing

A recent study reveals the importance of tailored training for more effective results instead of a ‘one size fits all'…

Welcoming a new year

Neoskill wishes you a warm welcome to 2021! After a much-needed break for all over the festive period, we can begin looking…

Neoskill’s 2020

2020 has been a year like no other, yet Neoskill have proudly been able to continue helping clients achieve their L&D…

L&D in 2021

The Training Industry has recently published its annual trends report, noting expected trends for L&D in 2021. The trends…

Cultivating shared resilience

Neoskill have been featured on the Training Industry website with the article “How to Cultivate Shared Resilience Across…

Tailored training for wellbeing

A recent study reveals the importance of tailored training for more effective results instead of a ‘one size fits all'…

Welcoming a new year

Neoskill wishes you a warm welcome to 2021! After a much-needed break for all over the festive period, we can begin looking…

Neoskill’s 2020

2020 has been a year like no other, yet Neoskill have proudly been able to continue helping clients achieve their L&D…

L&D in 2021

The Training Industry has recently published its annual trends report, noting expected trends for L&D in 2021. The trends…

Cultivating shared resilience

Neoskill have been featured on the Training Industry website with the article “How to Cultivate Shared Resilience Across…

Neoskill’s exclusive offer

Neoskill are offering our "Developing your Stress Management" course for half price in honour of National Stress Awareness…

Employee well-being

Employee well-being is a buzzword in the corporate world, but with data showing that work-related mental illness accounts…

Training Industry features Neoskill

Neoskill featured in the recent Training Industry magazine, with the article “Advanced Technology in the Workplace”. Our…

Upskilling to rebuild

Organisations may be looking at a more remote-based future, with many already offering more flexible approaches to work.…

Post-pandemic priorities

Now that businesses are reopening, discussions have begun about the future of work in a post-pandemic world. In times of…